Every now and then, you’ll be reminiscing about a terrific movie you saw recently but can’t recall the title. Then the first letter of the film’s title pops into your head, and you say to yourself, “the film starts with l.” Then you start looking it up on the internet. Here is a list of the best films that start with the letter “l.”
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Director Curtis Hanson’s homage to the 1974 picture Chinatown is based on the same-named detective novel by James Ellroy. In early 1950s Los Angeles, sleazy journalists, politicians, and the Los Angeles Police Department perpetrated acts of racism, corruption, and scandals. The film is nothing short of cinematic wonder, with a cast that includes Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, Danny DeVito, Guy Pearce (then unknown) and Kim Basinger, as well as an immensely engaging premise. The director and storyline are outstanding, with many intriguing twists and turns. The film was overshadowed by filmmaker James Cameron’s magnum work ‘Titanic,’ and was a box office disaster when it was released. This remarkable film was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won two: Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress ( Kim Basinger). This elegant detective film is well worth your time. A true work of art!
This show industry musical from rookie director Damien Chazelle was nominated for a record 14 Oscars and won six of them. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are budding jazz musicians and actresses, respectively, in the film. This work defies categorization. Great melodies and dancing routines abound in this ultimate romance musical. The cinematography and editing are also excellent. The acting performances are spectacular. Emma Stone gives the best performance of her career. Ryan Gosling is also a standout performer. The final scene is quite moving. For dreamers, this is a wonderful cinematic marvel!
Lawrence of Arabia is an autobiographical narrative of Thomas Edward Lawrence, a British officer diplomat who single-handedly brought together numerous feuding Arab clans and forced them to battle Turks during World War I. This film was a significant prize winner, earning seven Oscars in total, including Best Picture and Best Director. It’s a confusing character study of an intriguing personality that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Lawrence O’ Toole (O’Toole) delivers a powerful performance. It’s a work of exquisite and panoramic creativity that must not be missed!
Hire a professional if you want the job done correctly! The slogan is fitting for Luc Besson’s criminal drama, which he wrote and directed. The plot revolves around Leon (played masterfully by Jean Re no), an indifferent and miserable hitman who begins training a teenaged Mathilda (Natalie Portman) to avenge the murder of her family by a knave and drug-crazed DEA agent Stansfield (Gary Oldman). The straightforward portrayal of humanity and inhumanity is commendable. Natalie Portman’s performance shines out and is very remarkable. This elegant film by Luc Besson has a great replay value.
After the death of her mother, Fantine, director Tom Hooper’s Best Picture nominee tells the story of a former prisoner Jean Valijean (Hugh Jackman) who breaks parole and subsequently becomes the guardian of a kid (Anne Hathaway). At the same time, the officer who liberated Jean, Javert (Russell Crowe), plans to put him behind jail. It’s fantastic to see such a powerful musical with such stunning photography. The acting of Anne Hathaway stands out (she won Best Supporting actress). Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, Amanda Seyfried, and Eddie Redmayne are among the cast members who performed admirably. Strongly suggested!
The Best Picture nomination from Ang Lee is a remarkable cinematic miracle. It tells the miraculous survival story of Piscine Patel (Suraj Sharma), a young Indian boy who gets abandoned in the middle of the Pacific on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. After Brokeback Mountain, director Ang Lee won his second Academy Award for Best Director for this creative film (2005). Despite the fact that we only see one human character for about an hour and a half, the sights and acting will keep you entertained. The cinematography is breathtakingly beautiful, and Adil Hussain (Pi’s father), Tabu (Pi’s mother), and Irrfan Khan (adult Pi) give outstanding performances. Suraj Sharma is an absolute gem. Richard Parker (Tiger) was brought to life beautifully by the VFX crew. This mind-blowing trip is well worth your time!
Steven Spielberg’s biographical drama, starring Daniel Day-Lewis in one of the most convincing portrayals of Abraham Lincoln, is a thrill ing experience. The film is wonderfully detailed, with Day-amazing Lewis’s acting earning him an Oscar nomination. With tremendous realism, the film concentrates on parliamentary and presidential election processes. This absolutely gorgeous film is unquestionably a must-see!
The satirical critique on the fundamentally damaged western culture directed by Todd Field is a touching and thought-provoking story. Brad (Patrick Wilson) and Sarah (Jennifer Garner) are two middle-aged suburban adulterers (Kate Winslet). The screenplay is really detailed. How does a parent’s actions effect their children, as depicted in this film? There’s no better moment than now to take charge of your own destiny. The picture is aesthetically stunning and dramatic, and it demands your full attention.
This is the best road movie I’ve ever seen. Period. It depicts the story of an Albuquerque-based dysfunctional family who are determined to get their daughter to California to compete in a beauty pageant. They go on a road trip in a VW bus, and what happens along the way becomes the rest of the story. Steve Carrel, Alan Arkin, Tony Collete, and Greg Kinnear were among the great ensemble cast members in this picture. Abigail Breslin, who was Oscar nominated for her depiction of Olive at the age of ten, was a shocking revelation. This film will melt your heart since it is so true to life. This deeply moving picture, with breathtakingly beautiful photography, sticks with you and has a great replay value. Every time you see it, it gets better!
Logan (Wolverine), Professor X, and Laura are the three primary protagonists in James Mangold’s film ( X-23). The movie is essentially an escort operation in which Logan (Hugh Jackman) is tasked with protecting Laura (Dafne Keene) from external threats despite the fact that she is more capable than him. Because this is Jackman’s final appearance as Wolverine, the film had to be unique, and he gives his best Wolverine performance yet. Because of its graphic violence, the picture is rated R. In every way, this emotional and character-driven saga is outstanding. The closing scene will undoubtedly break your heart, and it is a perfect send-off for Wolverine!
Guy Ritchie’s English film centres around four friends who become indebted to a gangster after a crooked card game leads to a sequence of unforeseen occurrences. Jason Flemyng, Dexter Fletcher, Jason Statham, and Nick Moran were among the cast members. This crime comedy has a distinct style and excellent characterisation. The utilization of the camera is ingenious. This film, with its complex plot and stunning photography, is a must-see.
This picture, like most of David Lynch’s, is the realization of a dream and is completely weird. The movie follows Fred Madison (Bill Pullman), a jazz musician who is falsely accused of murdering his wife Renee Madison (Patricia Arquette), and what happens after he is sentenced to prison. The audience for Lost Highway is intelligent, and its interpretation is left to the people. It is, in fact, an intriguing riddle that you would enjoy solving. This picture (like with all of Lynch’s other films) is a magnificent example of filmmaking. The usage of music is quite effective. This isn’t your typical movie where everything makes sense and you exclaim, “Yes, I got it!” at the conclusion. Try to see it with people who are open-minded. Fans of David Lynch will be in for a real treat.
Bill Murray plays aging star Bob Harris, and Scarlett Johansson plays Charlotte, in Sofia Coppola’s indie film. They create an unexpected but important friendship in Tokyo. This film will undoubtedly break your heart, particularly if you are an introvert. It’s a remarkable experience because to the excellent directing and performance. Don’t be shocked if the movie stays with you for a long time. It’s one of those real-life films that will brighten your day!
The film, which won the Best Picture Oscar in the Foreign Language category, is about a Stasi (State Security) operative who becomes passionately enamored with the lives of a writer and his sweetheart while spying on them (before the collapse of the Berlin Wall). This German drama accurately depicts the fear of the Stasi among regular East Germans. This very authentic story engrosses its audience in no time, and one feels as if he is a participant in the film. Keep an eye out for the closing scene. It’s likely that you haven’t seen the movie yet.
This trilogy consists of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002), and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003). It is one of the most enduring film franchises in history. The plot revolves around the mythology of a ring and how anyone who comes into contact with it is doomed. Need I say more? Director Peter Jackson’s epic sagas have raked in a total of 17 Academy Awards. A trilogy of films crafted to the highest standards. The plot and characters are well crafted. Each film is excellent, but the last installment shines out. The cinematography and special effects are of the highest quality. Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, and others are among the cast members. This action-adventure drama is well worth your time!
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