Rey mysterio is boring? | WrestleZone Forums

The problem people seem to have with him is that he's babyface, people always think babyfaces are boring and that heels are the best THATS NOT TRUE MORONS. His fued with CM punk is one of the best fueds in a long while, would have it been good without mysterio???? hell no, he made half of it

people need to stop jacking off to heels and start appreciating babyfaces more

*Feud. Maybe you should hold off on calling people "MORONS" until you master the art of spelling.

Rey isn't boring, but I am growing tired of him. His matches are all the same. For as innovative and entertaining as he is (used to be, actually), he's gotten a bit stale for my taste. IMO, if you've seen one Rey Mysterio match, you've seen them all.

But I think that's more of a Creative dept. problem as opposed to a Rey Mysterio problem. He wrestles bigger guys most of the time, and there is only so much he can do with a guy (who is usually) so much bigger than himself. When he was a cruiserweight in WCW, he was working with guys who had similar builds, and similar skill sets. Being as small as he is, it can't be easy to work with so many larger guys. Again, there's only so much he can do in there.

I don't think he's bad on the mic, but I don't find him entertaining (while talking) either. He's never really been a "promo" kind of guy. He's more of a get-it-done-in-the-ring kind of guy. But, once again, I think that has a lot more to do with how he is scripted than anything else. He isn't given the most complicated, deep storylines. He's usually the underdog, swimming up stream, that kind of thing. And there is only so many times we can hear about that before becoming extremely bored.

I really want to see him have some matches with smaller guys, like Evan Bourne. A few months back, he had a damn good match with Tyson Kid on Superstars, and I think that had a lot to do with the similarities the two share. But all in all, yes, I'm tiring of Rey Mysterio.
