AEW Talent Handbook Guidelines on Harassment Leaks Amid Chris Jericho Allegations

The wrestling world finds itself embroiled in controversy as serious allegations of misconduct have surfaced against Chris Jericho, stemming from his alleged actions towards Kylie Rae and her subsequent departure from AEW in 2019. These allegations have cast a shadow over Jericho’s reputation.

The allegations against Jericho were initially hinted at by Nick Hausman, suggesting that there might be undisclosed issues from Jericho’s past. Another tweet alleged that Kylie Rae had an uncomfortable encounter with Chris Jericho in hotel room, which was cited as a key factor in her decision to exit AEW.

Adding a layer of complexity to the situation, a resurfaced video clip from 2019 has emerged, in which Chris Jericho downplayed allegations of hush money involving Vince McMahon. Given the recent accusations against Jericho, this previously overlooked footage is now receiving significant attention and has prompted fans to reevaluate their perceptions of Jericho’s character.

In the midst of these allegations and controversy, The Great Brian Last took to Twitter to share images from the AEW Talent Handbook, which outlines the company’s guidelines for handling harassment. These guidelines make it abundantly clear that AEW has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment in all its forms, including verbal, physical, and visual. The policy extends to work-related communications, settings, and promotional appearances.

Sexual harassment may consist of, but is not limited to:

  • Uninvited requests for sexual favors or sexual advances, whether accompanied by promises or threats with respect to the engagement relationship.
  • Unwelcome physical contact, such as touching, pinching or brushing against another’s body, as well as coercing sexual relations.
  • Lewd speech, sexually suggestive comments or innuendo, sexually oriented “kidding” or “teasing”, or sexual propositions.
  • Demeaning or hostile comments based on gender or sexual orientation, including sexually degrading words to describe an individual.
  • Foul or obscene gestures.
  • Material or objects that are sexually suggestive.
  • This list is illustrative only, and not exhaustive. Harassment is prohibited in the performance of AEW responsibilities (including in work-related communications and settings) and at any AEW- sponsored events or AEW-related events (i.e., promotional appearances). Off-duty harassment, including by use of social media, that impacts an employee, Talent, contractor, business partner or agent of AEW is also subject to this policy.
  • If you are subject to harassment by any Talent, employee, guest, client, or contractor, you should notify a member of AEW’s Legal Team or the Vice President of Talent Relations immediately.
  • AEW is further committed to providing a safe workplace that is free from violence, threats of violence, bodily harm, or physical intimidation. AEW prohibits any form of violence or threatened violence by an employee, Talent, or third party, including visitors, clients and guests, both at the workplace and at AEW-sponsored events.
    Other Prohibited Conduct
  • Inappropriate violence includes physical, verbal or written threats, violent behavior, or any physical contact that interferes with or threatens safety. It includes (without limitation):
  • Making threatening remarks (written or verbal).
  • Aggressive or hostile acts such as shouting, using profanity, throwing objects at another person, fighting or intentionally damaging property.
  • Bullying, intimidating or harassing another person (for example, making obscene phone calls or using threatening body language or gestures such as standing close to someone or shaking your fist at them).
  • Behavior that causes another person emotional distress or creates a reasonable fear of injury, such as stalking.
  • Assault.
    Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of engagement.


  • Harassment fundamentally is unwelcome conduct that unreasonably interferes with an individual’s services for AEW or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
  • Harassment may be:
  • Verbal (for example, epithets, derogatory statements, slurs, sexually-related or derogatory comments, pranks or jokes, unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or demeaning or hostile comments).
  • Physical (for example, assault or inappropriate physical contact or any unwelcome contact, such as touching, pinching, kissing, hugging or deliberate bumping or brushing against another’s body).
  • Visual (for example, displaying derogatory or sexually suggestive posters cartoons or drawings, pornography sent to co-workers via email, text, social media or otherwise, sending inappropriate adult-themed gifts, leering or making sexual gestures).
  • In addition, sexual harassment includes any unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or any other conduct of a sexual nature, when any of the following is true:
  • Submission to the advance, request or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of having a continuing relationship with AEW.
    Submission to or rejection of the advance, request or conduct is used as a basis for decisions in connection with having a relationship with AEW.
  • Such advances, requests or conduct have the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance by creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment at AEW.

The wrestling community is closely following these developments, and many fans are standing in solidarity with Kylie Rae. As the allegations continue to unfold, the industry is left with questions about accountability and the importance of upholding a safe and respectful environment for all involved in professional wrestling.

It will be interesting to see if the allegations will eventually be addressed by Chris Jericho or AEW. Stay with Ringside News, as we will keep you update on another other information that becomes available.

What do you think of these guidelines on sexual harassment in AEW? Do you feel Chris Jericho will be ousted from AEW following such allegations? Let us know in the comments!

December 30, 2023 2:35 pm
