Exotic Glaives were largely dismissed by the Destiny community, as their exotic perks were underperforming across the board. Bungie is giving these incredibly hard-to-obtain weapons a significant boost in season 17, and this guide will lay out each exotic perk these weapons contain. Each of these three Glaives comes equipped with a unique exotic trait, and they all must be crafted.
The Hunter Exotic Glaive leans into Arc to do a lot of damage to groups of enemies. This perk is a bit weak in reality, so this is how Bungie plans to buff it in season 17.
This was by far the worst exotic perk of all three Glaives. Bungie is buffing it with the following changes.
Warlocks had the best Exotic Glaive and perk combination, and this support playstyle will be enhanced with the upcoming season 17 buffs.
These Exotic Glaives will be buffed significantly in season 17, which begins May 24. Get to leveling these rare hybrid weapons.