By the time Pearl Jam was able to drop their record company and go solo, they'd been around for an impressive 19 years. In 2009, Reuters reported that for their 51 shows played from 2006 to 2008, they grossed almost $42 million — and that's no drop in the bucket.
Way back in the ye olde days that were 1996, Rolling Stone did a breakdown of just where all their tour money came from — and ticket sales were just part of it. They ran the numbers (with help from the anonymous manager of another unnamed band), and came to the conclusion that a single show at a venue with a capacity of 20,000 would have netted them $330,000 per performance — as long as it was a sell-out show, at least. Then, even just assuming they were playing a standard 40 shows during the summer season, that would amount to an impressive $13.2 million. Then, subtract the costs of running the tour — along with the manager's and agent's cuts — and that still meant they would have made about $9.9 million a year ... just from tickets.
Then, there's the merch. If they sold just 5,200 shirts at each one of those shows, that would have added on another $5 million for the season. They also add some food for thought: If the band hadn't opted to forgo sponsorship, that could have brought in another $3 million a year.