Cris Collinsworth and Al Michaels are going their separate ways. The longtime duo will be apart in 2022 as Michaels has decided to join Amazon for their new Thursday Night Football spot. The entire country seemingly joined in a moment of emotion when the news broke.
Collinsworth took to Twitter to post his goodbye to the legendary commentator, giving fans a place to express their emotions. Here's a look at what the fans of Sunday Night Football had to say. First up was the original post that kicked off the emotional outpour.
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As soon as news broke that the commentator was leaving, rumors began circulating that he would still call one or two games this season. The rumors are unconfirmed, but JF Clips seems hopeful.
The famous line with Collinsworth is how he talks about players using the phrase "now here's a guy..." Diego Juarez turned the phrase back on the commentator while expressing sadness.
David Vitone joins a long list of those who watched the commentator call games during their childhood and well into adulthood.
Broken_zinc recalls their childhood sitting in front of the television while watching the commentator narrate football games.
William Hemm took a moment to insult the color commentator, admitting to wishing that Collinsworth would be the one to slip out the door. Put simply, there's always one.
Micah Lee gave respect to the two commentators, saying the program would never be the same.
DC writes that they were a fan of the duo.
Neil Parker shared an anecdote about something the commentator said on air that made them laugh.
This tweet shows that not everyone is up to the news every minute of every day. Several people, including Kelly O'Donnell, thought the commentator would retire. At the Super Bowl, a clip was circulated about Eminem asking Michaels if he would retire, further indicating that everyone was bracing for the big news. Instead, they will get to watch him on another night.
Al Michaels wasn't the only change at commentator this offseason. Joe Buck and Troy Aikman are now set to call games for Monday Night Football. Mike Tirico and Cris Collinsworth are expected to call games on NBC. Al Michaels and Kirk Herbstreit will be calling games for Amazon. Peyton and Eli Manning are returning for more Manningcast episodes.
Put simply, there has been more movement in the booth this offseason than in the last decade or longer. Which network will emerge with the top program in the 2022-23 season? With plenty of time for further moves ahead, what will the final lineups look like in 2022-23?
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