Well-known politician David Miranda recently passed away on May 9, 2023, aged 37. He was in the hospital for the last nine months, since August 2022, after he had to be admitted due to several infections and contracting sepsis. David's husband, Glenn Greenwald, revealed the news of his demise in a tweet, where he added a few pictures and wrote:
"It is with the most profound sadness that I announce the passing away of my husband, @DavidMirandaRio. He would have turned 38 tomorrow. His death, early this morning, came after a 9-month battle in ICU. He died in full peace, surrounded by our children and family and friends."Several others who knew Miranda over the years expressed grief on social media platforms. Journalist Fred Bernstein wrote on Facebook:
"It is devastating to learn that David Miranda, the 37-year-old Brazilian politician, fearless gay activist, father of 3 and husband of the journalist Glenn Greenwals, has died. I wrote about David twice for Out Magazine."Popular politician and lawyer Ciro Gomes also paid tribute to Miranda on Facebook and wrote that David was an example of life, politics, the fight for democracy and freedom, and Brazil.
David Miranda was taken to the hospital in August 2022 to undergo treatment for a gastrointestinal infection, and he also contracted a few infections, including septicemia.
David's husband, Glenn, shared a statement on his website in March 2023 and wrote that David has been awake most of the time. He added that although David has been able to talk, he is still connected to a ventilation machine mechanic, and they have already been warned by the doctors to prepare for the worst.
Glenn mentioned that according to the doctors, they were warned thrice that David's survival chances for the next 48 to 72 hours were almost close to impossible. Glenn continued:
"I'm not even going to go to the trouble of trying to explain what it's like to have to tell your kids, your husband's family and best friends that it's time to go to the hospital for what will likely be the last time."Glenn added that although David has never left the intensive care unit (ICU) since being admitted to the hospital, being on a ventilator regularly affects his vocal communication. Glenn revealed that he was able to spend 12 hours a day with David, and they used to spend time watching movies and series, and their kids also accompanied them.
David Miranda spent his childhood with his aunt, and he used to do minor jobs after leaving school at the age of 13. He grew up in Rio de Janeiro and later pursued his graduation at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing.
David served as a federal congressman for Rio de Janeiro from 2019 to 2023 and was a member of political parties like the Socialism and Liberty Party and the Democratic Labour Party.
David collaborated with his husband, Glenn, on the Edward Snowden leaks in 2013. He was the first LGBT councilor from Rio de Janeiro, and he used to put more emphasis on the problems being faced by the LGBT community. He joined PSOL in 2018 but left it in 2022.
David and Glenn tied the knot in 2005 and adopted two kids in 2017.
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