Did Any Indian Matchmaking Couples Get Married?

Not a lot of Indian Matchmaking couples stayed together or got married in the three seasons of the Netflix show, despite Sima Taparia's best efforts.

Indian Matchmaking star Sima Taparia and her questionable success rate makes Netflix viewers wonder if any of the couples on the show managed to stay together or get married. Sima, a matchmaker from Mumbai, became a household name thanks to the overnight success of season 1. Sima charges a hefty fee to help Asian singles find a match as per their religious and physical preferences, and received 5,000 calls in a day after the show aired. She jet sets around the world and has helped cast members meet like-minded people by putting in her best efforts, even when the stars aren't aligned.

Matchmaker Sima recently starred on Indian Matchmaking season 3. Filled with drama, tears, unrealistic demands, and meme-worthy one-liners, the new season shockingly featured love stories that received happy endings. The cast had their fair share of doubts and bouts of pickiness, from someone preferring a poet to another wanting a man with a top knot. Sima miraculously found these demanding clients what they wanted. But in true Sima fashion, she didn't manage to get any of the singles married, at least not until the finale.

Cast Members Who Married After Indian Matchmaking Season 1

Indian Matchmaking season 1, perhaps the most successful installment of the series to date, introduced several new and controversial faces to the audience. These names such as Aparna Shewakramani, Nadia Jaggesar, Akshay Jakhete, Ankita Bansal, and Pradhyuman Maloo quickly became as popular as the show lead Sima herself. However, one of the cast members found a good match in season 1. Nadia matched with Shekar Jayaraman but didn’t get married, and Aparna and Jay Wadhwani decided to stay friends.

Indian Matchmaking cast member Vyasar Ganesan from Austin, Texas had a failed match with Rashi Gupta after a promising few dates, and Akshay and Anika stayed single. But Dr. Rupam Kaur did end up getting married without the help of Sima on Indian Matchmaking. Rupam wed Nitin Singh who she met on Bumble in September 2020, a few months after her storyline was aired.

Cast Members Who Married After Indian Matchmaking Season 2

After rejecting 150 proposals from different women, Pradhyuman returned for season 2 and went on a seemingly successful horseback riding date with Rushali Rai. Pradhyuman revealed he met a model named Ashima Chauhaan at a party and married her on the show with Sima in attendance as a special guest. But the pompous Pradhyuman wasn’t Rushali’s cup of tea, and she returned to Indian Matchmaking season 3 to find herself a husband. However, Nadia still appears to be single, and Arshneel Kochar went on dates with Anjali and Rinkle during Indian Matchmaking but has kept his life private since.

Indian Matchmaking viewers met Vinesh Vasani, who was introduced to Mosum and Meena by Sima. However, Meena’s rejection felt like “being stabbed in the heart with a plastic knife” to Vinesh, who eventually stayed single just like his co-star Akshay Dhumal did. But there were two successful couples on the show; Viral Joshi, who met Aashay Shah through Sima, and Shital Patel who found Niraj Mehta through her sister following her futile attempts to find a partner with Sima Aunty’s help.

Cast Members Who Married After Indian Matchmaking Season 3

Viral and Aashay came back to Indian Matchmaking season 3 and took their relationship a step further when they visited India to meet his parents. The couple had been together for six months when the show ended, but there seems to be no news of their marriage yet. The same goes for Shital and Niraj, who moved in together but haven’t wedded yet. Priya Ashra and Vimal Kansara's relationship status is unknown but veering toward a split. Arti Lalwani, who used Sima's services to only land a fiancé on a dating app, is still with Jamal, while Rushali, Bobby Seagull, and Pavneet Sachdeva haven't revealed their individual relationship statuses yet.

Source: Aparna Shewakramani/Instagram, Pradhyuman Maloo/Instagram

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