Celebrities Connected To Charles Manson

The drummer for the Beach Boys, Dennis Wilson was a notorious womanizer, and that's probably why he picked up two female hitchhikers one day while driving to his Sunset Boulevard home. Those women were part of the Manson Family, and when they told their messiah they'd met a Beach Boy, Manson thought this was his chance to finally get a record deal.

Without invitation, the Family moved into Wilson's house, and the cult leader quickly impressed Wilson with his spiritual beliefs. (It helped that the drummer also liked fooling around with the Family women.) An excited Wilson tried to convince his fellow band members that Manson was the real deal, but they thought Manson was just a freak.

Unfortunately for Wilson, the Family took full advantage of their new benefactor. They used his clothes to make robes for Manson. They got ahold of Wilson's charge account and ran up a hefty bill, and the Beach Boy paid for their medical bills. In just a few months, the Manson Family had cost him over $100,000, and had wrecked one of his Ferraris.

Still, Wilson couldn't kick the Family out, partly because he was scared of Manson by this point. Terrified, Wilson simply moved out and let his lease expire, forcing the landlord to kick out the cult. However, Wilson got his revenge when he took one of Manson's songs, "Cease to Exist," rewrote it as "Never Learn Not to Love," and took sole credit as composer. Naturally, this didn't sit well with Manson, and the thug threatened Wilson's kid, even sending the drummer a bullet as a message.

Fortunately, the Family didn't follow up on their threats. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world," Wilson later said, "because I got off only losing my money." Still, Wilson usually refused to talk about his relationship with the Family. Tragically, the drummer also struggled with substance abuse, and on December 28, 1983, Dennis Wilson drowned in the ocean.
