Kimora Lee Simmons Revealed She Adopted a 10-Year-Old Boy and Fans Weighed In

Fans of businesswoman and television personality, Kimora Lee Simmons, have shared their views after several of her posts showed that the former mother of four now has a fifth child in her brood.

It is well known that Kimora Lee Simons has four children. However, since the start of the New Year, she has made several posts showing members of her family, and the posts showed one new addition.

A January 4 post made by the former reality television star showed her and her kids pose for a family photograph, and among the children was a new face, a smiling boy.

Kimora Lee Simmons attends the 1 Year Anniversary of Kimora Lee Simmons' Beverly Hills boutique in Beverly Hills, California | Photo: Getty Images

Kimora Lee Simmons posted another family photo which also featured the boy and her other children. Kimora's new family addition didn't just start appearing in her posts this year.

"Adorable who is the other young man?"

Kimora duly responded to the fan's question and answered, saying, "My son. New addition." She also revealed her newly adopted son's name in reply to another fan. She said his name is Gary and that he is 10 years old.

Another fan was glad that Kimora Lee Simmons adopted Gary and told her that she was such a beautiful soul, before going on to congratulate her on her newest addition.

Kimora had a helping hand from her daughters, Ming and Aoki

Another fan was moved by Kimora's adoption of Gary and told the mother of five that she was a phenomenal human being, and also the real deal.

The feelings of fans after Kimora confirmed her adoption of Gary could be summed up by the comment of a fan, who said:

"I just love all that you are as a person Kimora it brings tears to my eyes how genuinely loving to all your CHILDREN you are. There's a special place in HEAVEN for you [emoji]."

Apart from increasing her number of children, Kimora Lee Simmons also continues to expand her number of businesses, and even relaunch old ones.

That was certainly the case when the business mogul relaunched her brand, "Baby Phat," which used to hold sway in the early 2000s. She founded the brand in conjunction with her then-husband, Russell Simmons, in 1999.

For the brand's relaunch, Kimora had a helping hand from her daughters, Ming and Aoki, who starred in the brand's campaign images and adverts, wearing some of the collections.
